Die besten Tipps für die Pflege Ihres Phase Essential

Phase Team

Veröffentlicht am

7. März 2025

Phase has been built to last and accompany you along your DJ journey. But there are always little things that can help you take care of your Phase, and ensure it will serve you for years to come! In this article, we’re going to share some little tips on how to do so, the best practices, and more.

Los geht's! 👇

1. Make sure to fully charge your Phase before using it for the first time:

The battery of your Phase doesn’t come fully charged out of the box, to comply with the standards in force (especially air transport). Therefore, it’s important to charge it first. It only takes 2 hours for the full charge, and then you can enjoy it to the fullest!

2. The way you charge your Phase is important:

Laden Sie Ihr Gerät mindestens alle 6 Monate auf, um die Batterien zu schonen.

3. Seien Sie immer auf dem neuesten Stand:

We’re constantly releasing firmware updates to keep improving the experience with Phase. This will guarantee the best possible performance of your product. Once a new update is out, you will receive a notification directly to your Phase Manager. Otherwise, you can also subscribe to our newsletter to receive the news directly in your inbox!

4. Keep your Phase secure and transport it safely:

The best way to protect your Phase on your tour is to use the Phase Case anywhere you go. This will make sure you won't see any scratches on your unit anytime soon. 😉

5. Troubleshooting the Phase DJ controller is easy:

Because our awesome team of product specialists will take care of everything you might encounter! Replying in less than 24h on Mondays-Fridays, Max and Lowell will answer any of your burning requests, so your Phase is up and running.

Don't hesitate to reach out if anything! We hope this article served you well, and that you have learned a little thing or two about how to take care of your Phase.

Wenn Sie noch weitere Fragen haben, besuchen Sie bitte unser Help Center oder wenden Sie sich direkt an unsere Produktspezialisten!

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